“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”

Traveling and photography are my two biggest passions and I am extremly greatful to make my living from my hobbies. 2018 was exceptional. Not only that every single wedding was very special and emotional in own unique way. I also did weddings in 8 different countries this year. Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Greece, Italy, Slovenia, Spain and Scotland.

Next to totally new thing this year – areal shots, traveling so often and my international awards in WPJA, were kinda the biggest highlights of 2018!

I am specially very thankful to all the lovebirds that have trusted me to be a part of such an important event in their life and made all this kind of things possible.

So here it is – my special collection of best shots in 2018. I really hope you will like it.

Check some of the wedding stories from 2018