The first weekend of August was here. The reason Eva & Uroš decided for this date for their special day was that they really wanted to have good nice sunny weather, mostly to have the civil ceremony outside. August is very good month to have a sunny day, since the chance of rain is very low. They got the sunny day, but with 5 – 10 degrees too much. With 35 (° C) it was just too hot to stay outside for a longer time, therefore the ceremony was moved to the basement. No mather what. Everyone enjoyed, had fun and everything was perfect.

Date: 5th of August 2017

Location: Kulinarična Zidanica Opara, Trebnje, Slovenia

Wedding rings: Zlatarna Mirage
Music: Ansambel Črna mačka
Wedding dress: Modart
Grooms dress: Modart
Keywords: wedding, wedding photography, Kulinarčina Zidanica Opara, very hot day