2015 was a great year that I will never forget! With a lot of romantic, exciting and unforgettable moments. I enjoyed doing my job as I never did! Being excited with strong heartbeat realizing how great is to have your biggest passion for your work met also with a lot of new things for the first:

  • For the first time I shot a wedding in Austria
  • For the first time I took photos of the ceremony in a living room
  • For the first time I took photos of the ceremony in slipers
  • For the first time I went to a wedding by walk
  • For the first time I did more than 5000 photos on the wedding
  • For the first time I was on the field for more than 22 hours
  • For the first time there was a groom with wooden bowtie
  • For the first time we did selfie wedding group photo
  • For the first time I started to take portrait photos half an hour after the sunset
  • For the first time church ceremony was longer than one hour and half
  • For the first time the church ceremony was shorter than half an hour
  • For the first time I used sparkings to make unique photos
  • For the first time I crushed in to the bushes doing unique photos with sparkings

… and much more!

First weddings in 2016 will be here in a moment. And I am quite sure there will be again come a lot of first timers. One of them is first wedding in France. Than having for the first time more than 20 weddings in a season. I am sure a lot of new spicy things will have in a lot of engagment shotings I have already planed this year. Reaching 5000 likes milestone Facebook page? I can’t answer this things yet, but one thing after meeting “my” future husbands and wives I am sure! 2016 will be even more exciting year!

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