Poroka v Dvorcu Štatenberg
“Za ta datum se nisva odločila samo za to, ker je vsako leto okoli teh dni vedno sončno, ampak tudi zato, ker lahko v teh dneh vsako leto občudujem zvezdne utrinke.” je povedal Davor ob polnočnem rezanju torte. “Torej poglejte v nebo in si kaj zaželite!”
V tem trenutku sem imel v mislih samo eno stvar: “Zagotovo sta Nika in Davor točno eno leto nazaj gledala v nebo in si skupaj želela eno: da bi bila njuna poroka popolna.”
Biti poročni fotograf je zame nekaj izrednega. Delam nekaj, kar me neskončno veseli, potujem na različne koščke sveta in srečujem neverjetne ljudi. Nima pa moje delo samo dobrih plati. Poleg tega, da za zagotavljanje najlepših možnih spominov preživim resnično preveč časa za računalnikom, je tudi to konstantno podoživljenje resnično prelepih trenutkov.
Sem na izjemni lokaciji dvorca Štatenberg. Tekom dneva opazujem ljudi, ki so na začetku le neznanci, skozi dan pa začutim njihovo toplino v srcih in me sprejmejo k sebi kot enega izmed njih. Vedno bolj spoznavam, kako močne so vezi med njimi. Potem pa pride tisti trenutek. Kronanje devetletne zveze – obred. Vidita se prvič. Eksplozija čustev. Ven udarijo solze. In ja! Našla sta drug drugega. Imata odlični družini in prijatelje, ki ju podpirajo na vsakem koraku. Imata odlično vreme in še boljši sončni zahod za odlične fotografije. Vse je popolno.
Domov pridem z več kot 7000 fotografijami s tega dne. Medtem ko delam selekcijo in urejam fotografije, grem skozi celotno poroko vsaj 10-krat. Podživljam vsak trenutek. Podoživljam tudi izrečene besede, ki so ostale v spominu. Začnem se spraševati. Če se bom kdaj poročil, obstaja kdo, ki bi zame ustvaril takšen govor? Kdo bi me tako podprl in stal ob meni pri obredu? Kdo bi sploh bila takšna oseba, da bi zanjo naredil vse in se tudi poročil z njo? Se bova sploh kdaj našla? Ali sploh obstaja? Ali bom za vedno ostal sam, ker bom zadovoljen samo s takšno vezo, ki jo vidim v mojih parih?
Ob konstantnem podoživljenju porok tekom poročne sezone je zelo težko vedno znova dajati na stran lastna čustva. Ampak prav takšni težki trenutki mi skozi čas pomagajo postati boljša – bolj srčna – oseba. Ta mala dejanja na porokah in brezpogojna ljubezen parov, ki me vabijo k beleženju njihovih dni, postajajo moj vzor o pravem uspehu in sreči. Šele skozi čas sem ugotovil, da je ustvariti prave pristne odnose veliko več, kot pa ustvariti neskončno veliko denarja in materialnih stvari. Vse to mi je pomagalo odpreti oči in videti, kaj v življenju je resnično pomembno …
Datum: 11.8.2018
Lokacija: Dvorec Štatenberg, Slovenija
Poročna obleka: White Couture
Poročni prstani: Zlatarna Celje
Keywords: poroka Dvorec Štatenberg, Grad štatenberg, amazing sunset, dream wedding, wedding photography, poročni fotograf, Makole,
“We have decided for this date not only because weather around this days was perfect previous years, but also because it is the date we observe shooting stars.« they said after cutting the cake at midnight »So take a look in to the sky and make a wish.«
At that moment I had in mind: »One year ago Nika and Davor had to look in the sky on this dates and have a same wish on the same shooting star – for their wedding to be perfect.«
Being is wedding photographer is something amazing for me. I do what I love, I travel on the different places on the world and meet amazing people that are crazy in love. But it has its downsides also. One is spending enormous amount of hours infront of the computer to give the best possible results for the people that have trusted you for such an important life time event. But one of them is more or less about the emotions. It is kind of the work where is not possible to put all the emotions away.
You are there. At the location like with the amazing atmosphere like Mansion Štatenberg. Soon, you realize how strong is the bond with the people, that you just met for the first time few moments ago. Then they see each other for the first time on the ceremony. Explosion of all the emotions. A lot of tears. They are madly in love in each other. Already for 9 years. Yes! They have found each other! They have great family. They have great friends. And they are supporting them at each step. They have perfect weather and also perfect sunset to take amazing photos. Everything is perfect.
I get home. With more than 7000 photos of that day. While doing selection and editing I go through the wedding atleast 10 times, riviving in my head every single emotion or words given at that time. It make me start to think. If I would get married, who would give me that kind of speach? Who would give me that kind of support and stay next to me at the ceremony? Who would even be the person that, I would married with? Will I ever even find that right person? Or I will be forever alone, since I just want that true love, that I see at my couples, and nothing less?
There is no way to put emotions aside. But at the same time you know, that this kind of job makes you to become a better person. The minor acts on the wedding and unconditional love makes your heart keep growing and people you work for somehow become your rolemodels of real success and happines. Thanks to my couples, I have soon realized that earning the true love for whole life time is much more than earning enormous amount of money. It helped me to open my eyes and see what actualy in life really matters …
Date: 11.8.2018
Wedding dress: White Couture
Wedding rings: Zlatarna Celje
Location: Dvorec Štatenberg, Slovenia
Keywords: poroka Dvorec Štetenberg, Grad štetenberg, amazing sunset, dream wedding, wedding photography, poročni fotograf, Makole,