Small intimate wedding
It was the day for Sarah from Germany and Nejc from Slovenia to get married on a sunny Saturday. They both have two children from their previous relationships, therefore the wedding was more family oriented with a lot of children. They all have spent a lovely weekend on this wonderful location of Castle Otočec. I was there just to document the most important part of it and the reason why they all gathered – the wedding.
Date: 29.6.2019
Location: Relais Chateaux Castle Otočec, Slovenia
Keywords: poroka, poročni fotograf, Grad Otočec, intimate wedding, wedding with children,
This is also my first blog post with wedding video that I have started to create this year. It is not a substitute for real wedding videography. It is just capturing the moments that looks better on moving pictures than still shots. What to see how it looks like? Check the video bellow!
Poroka na gradu Otočec
Bližal se je konec tedna, ki je bil zame kot iz sanj. Bila je sobota in zame na vrsti že četrta poroka v tem tednu. Le dan po poroki v Nastje in Daniela v Prekmurju je sledil še en sončen dan poln izzivov, kajti tudi ta par se je odločil imeti dan zabeležen ne samo s fotografijami, ampak tudi z videom.
Sarah z Nemčije in Nejc s Sloveniji sta se spoznala v Švici in imata oba po dva otroka s prejšnega zakona. Skupaj z ostalimi svati so se zbrali za podaljšan vikend na Gradu Otočec, ki so ga zaključili z njuno poroko.
Dan je bil poln emocij in otroške razposajenosti. Čeprav je bila s 40 svati poroka manjša od povprečne je zelo težko najiti toliko srečnih ljudi in nasmejanih obrazov na enem mestu.
Datum: 29.6.2019
Lokacija: Grad Otočec, Slovenija
Ključne besede: poroka, poročni fotograf, Grad Otočec, intimna poroka
Sreča in občutki so pa na malo drugačen način tudi ujeti v videu. Vabljeni k ogledu.